Thursday, May 28, 2009


As you shoot your target you will get notifications in the chat window:

  • Pale Aqua Text: The amount of damage you did to the target per shot
  • Pink Text: The amount of damage the target did to you
  • Green Text: Any skills points you have acquired as a result of firing your weapon or being attacked
  • Light Aqua Text: A critical damage shot you did to your target (double the damage of the normal shot)
  • Red Text: A critical hit that was done to you by the target
  • Bright Aqua Text: If you're part of a team, this will show you the loot distribution to each player.
  • Yellow Text: "This creature didn't carry any loot." or notification that this mob is in a "stuck" condition and cannot be sweated or damaged.

When you attack with a Critical Hit you double the damage of your regular shot. When you get hit with a "Critical Hit" the target ignores your armor (even though your armor will still receive decay from the hit). Critical hits are generated randomly based on your weapon's ability to generate it. You can check your weapon's ability to generate a critical hit in the weapon's statistics window.


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