Thursday, May 28, 2009

Choosing a profession

Having the right profession can only be made up by you. Perhaps you want to display powerful armor as you take down large beast? Or mine in the wilderness for rare ores and enmatter? Or crafting new tools for your friends and customers?

Whatever you choose to do, it's best to know ahead of time of what you want to do, and put much of your resources to it. It takes alot of work and time to even get up in skills in a profession, so be sure it's what you want to do. A quick rundown..


Killing the dangerous creatures of Calypso or in space, you wield either long-ranged weaponry (handguns, rifles) or melee weapons (swords, axes) to defeat your foes. To protect yourself, you need armor of some sort to help absorb the damage.


  • Weapon (ranged or melee)
  • Ammunition (if ranged)
  • Armor (the tougher the creature the better armor you must have)
  • FAP or heal chip (optional)


Less thrilling than a hunter, but still if not more rewarding when you hit a big deposit. There is much to be found, but mining is one of the most difficult professions in the there are no dots on your radar to help you find a hit, you have to trust your gut feeling to find them.


  • Detector (to find the deposits)
  • Probes or charges (miner's 'ammo')
  • Excavator (Used to drill up a claim)
  • Refiner (Helps turn your ores and enmatters to useable materials)


No heavy duty equipment needed for this job, as you will be making it! However having good engineering skills and high quality rating blueprints are essential for making a profit. Also a must for working with many other types of ores and ematter, and hoping for good turnouts every time.


  • LOTS of time (if you have a lot of resources, expect a few hours of crafting)
  • Blueprints (gather from technician or from crafting)
  • Blueprint book (used to store all of a specific type of blueprints)
  • Ores, Enmatter (usually in large quantities for most attempts)


A good job, but with a catch: your sales and profit are in your customers, as just coloring clothes by themselves will not gain you anything. Also, a lot of paint for skilling up, which incidentally will be rather tedious.


  • Omegaton Colorator CCT-1 (from Trade Terminal, required)
  • Bleacher (not completely required, but necessary if you plan on skilling with a limited number of colorable items!)
  • Paint (orange, yellow, and blue are the 3 starting your skills increase you will unlock more)


This profession requires a huge dose of patience (and PED to start with), but is one of the few professions in which you can be certain of a profit. Traders usually have arrangements with hunters or crafters to exchange materials and/or PED for the hunters' loot or crafters' products, which they then sell to the public. Alternatively, some traders also provide extra services such as bringing fully-repaired tools and PED out into the field where they trade their tools and PED for the miner's resources or hunter's loot. This is especially useful for miners who have hit a large resource and find it troublesome to travel back and forth to their claim multiple times.

The distinction between the trader and the reseller is that the trader adds value to their product, which may be through extra services that the trader provides. However, the reseller generally just buys and sells items without adding value to the product.


  • PED
  • Rare or popular items (goblin parts for newbies, high-powered rifles for hunters, etc.)
  • Knowledge of current market prices / market situation


Similar to the profession of the trader, the reseller's job requires a equally large dose of patience, and is also another profession in which you can be certain of a profit. Resellers usually buy common or popular items at lower prices, then advertise in crowded spots selling the items in bulk at normal market prices, or put their accumulated stock into shops or the auction.

The distinction between the trader and the reseller is that the trader adds value to their product, which may be through extra services that the trader provides. However, the reseller generally just buys and sells items without adding value to the product.


  • PED
  • Rare or popular items (goblin parts for newbies, high-powered rifles for hunters, etc.)
  • Knowledge of current market prices / market situation


More of a job than a profession, pilots fly passengers to either Crystal Palace Space Station or Club NEVERDIE. Pilots generally charge their customers a fee, which covers their fuel and decay costs as well as a compensation for their spent time.


  • A functional Hangar
  • Hangar parts if the hangar is not set up and functioning
  • Crude Oil (used as fuel for the aircraft)


While most of the avatar's looks are usually kept from the time that the avatar was created, some people sometimes wish to change certain elements their avatar's appearance, e.g. the size of their hair, skin tone, skin colour, etc. In that case, they would visit a Beautician, who can change their certain elements of the avatar's appearance. It should also be noted that beauty is split into three different categories: hair styling, face sculpting, and body work. As with coloring, the profits come solely from the beautician's customers.


  • An estate of some sort (as to not leave your valuables out in unprotected conditions)
  • Correct furniture: Special chairs and toolkits for the respective category
  • Beauty supplies (hair gel, hair spray, body fat)


The job of the Medic is to heal wounded avatars. The Medic can be one of the most valuable members of a hunting party. Medic's often have to put up with cries of "heal plz" (mostly from newbies). However, with a reasonable fap such as an adjusted, improved or modified, Medics can make alot of money being rented for hunts of larger, more challenging mobs.


  • A First Aid Pack.
  • Skill ranks in Anatomical/Medical related skills.

Event Manager

Event Managers create the actual events and handle all the fine points (advertising, marketing, etc). Also when an event takes place the participants rate the event, which affect the Event manager's 'Event Points'. Good events increase their points, while poorly marketed or location will likely receive lower or poor points.

Event Ticket Agent

The job of a ticket agent is quite simple: stand in one spot (usually a busy city/outpost) and try to sell tickets to an event. While it seems like an easy job, it's a long and patient wearing occupation.

  • Long periods of time yelling the same info again and again
  • There's the hagglers who want to pay less for the tickets.
  • There's the dead times, where no one is around at all.

However if ticket sales are good, the event handler can give the ticket agent a small portion of each sale (like 5 PED for each 25 PED ticket sold). It's good money in the end.


There are many others professions that are not covered here, each requiring different tools and skills to operate efficiently.

Again, what you do is up to you! :)


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