Thursday, May 28, 2009


You can purchase additional attachments to your ranged weapons. There are three types of attachments:
  1. Scopes
  2. Laser Sights
  3. Amplifiers

All attachments will increase your hunting efficiency, either with better hit ability (less shots miss), or better damage. The actual purpose of laser sights and scopes is currently unknown and the subject of much speculation. It is unclear what those attachment do exactly, but it has been confirmed by official Mindark employees that these attachments do help make your hunting more efficient. A recent experiment performed by a member on Entropia Forum found that Scopes and Laser Sights do make your weapons do slightly more damage, however only when they are fully repaired, when under about 30% condition, the Scopes and Laser Sights actually cause you to do less damage. As a beginner, Scopes and Laser Sights are expensive to repair, therefore it is not reccomended that you start using them until you have sufficent funds to fully repair them.


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